
Monday, June 18, 2018

About Comments

Good Morning!! We'll have a new post from a new writer soon, to start off the new week!! But before that, to readers who are posting comments, I am very sorry for all the trouble you have been facing. You don't see your comment on the blog as soon as you post it because all the comments are 'approved' before they are published.

There are reasons for keeping this filter in place; first, undesirable comments are eliminated, and second, advertisements disguised as comments can go where they belong - in the bin. 

Blogger is supposed to send the comments to me for review before they are published. This system seems to have failed; others who used Blogger are facing the same problem. 

I do check the comment moderation page every hour. 

Please excuse the time lag, and please don't stop leaving comments - it's the best reward a writer can get, and our regular readers enjoy going through them as well.
Many thanks for all the wonderful 'togetherness' and support here.

Cheers to the spirit of Indian tea!


  1. Hi Gowri - it is absolutely right that all comments should be filtered before being placed in the blog. More 'strength to the elbow - or perhaps wrist!' to our correspondents. Bohut salaams!

    1. Bohut salaams and thanks to you, Alan, for the support!

  2. I wanted to post my comment on the new story and ended up here. My compliments to Mamlu it was an awesome read.

  3. Shall continue to post comments. I know how much they mean.


If you enjoyed this Indian Chai Story, do take a minute to leave a little note for the author of the piece! Thank you! Please remember that your comment does not disappear once you've entered it; it goes to the blog administrator for verification - and that's a most important security measure. It should appear after one hour at the earliest!